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Sing Along !!
Written by Micah Gardner
Humphrey The Manatee
I'm Humphrey the Manatee
The sea cow of Barefoot Key
Please be aware of me
You control my destiny
I'm Humphrey...the Manatee
I'm Humphrey the Manatee
Elephants in my family tree
The original merman in history
I'm peacefully and playfully
I'm Humphrey...the Manatee
I'm Humphrey the Manatee
With my manatee family
Full of Curiosity
No Wake No How
Everybody wave at me
I'm Humphrey...the Manatee
Over time my population grew thin
In warm waters, I love to swim
Red Tide is not a thing of the past
Prop scars chewing up sea grass
Lemme Fishmore, Wade and Shelly
Tidal Wave Dave, Miles and Billy
Tragedies in the Keys have occurred
Humphrey's adventure
needs to be heard
I'm Humphrey the Manatee
The sea cow of Barefoot Key
Please be aware of me
You control my destiny
I'm Humphrey...the Manatee

Adopt a Manatee !!

Micah Gardner, former school teacher,
playing Humphrey for the kids